Monday, February 25, 2013

Runnin and Redesignin

I’ve taken a couple of major breaks from running through the years.  The first break was for approximately 32 years and the second one was for three months.  If you’re not picking up what I’m putting down, I just told you that in my 32 years of living, I’ve been a runner for a few short months.  Now, don’t get me wrong, we had to run a mile here and there in high school athletics, but I was always keeping up the rear with Sh’Queefa (name changed to protect the innocent).  We would both be dry heaving and sweating our nuts off after rounding the first corner of the track.  Once we made our first lap around the track, we’d been lapped by all the super fancy cross country runners (aka showoffs).  The rest of the class had to wait for us to finish our mile before they could go in.  Coach would shout from the sidelines “Fluffy, that might be easier to do if you would put down that chimichanga!”

I want to be a runner again. 

I sat out my clothes last night and fully intended to get up at 6am today to start Couch to 5k again.  Mr. Fluff and I joked about how this would NEVER happen.  I am not a morning person….at all. 

As we all suspected, the past repeated itself…and I stayed in bed until Fluffette woke up at 8:15am.  SON OF A BYTCH!  There are so many things for me to blame it on but the truth is that I AM IN CONTROL OF MY OWN WEIGHTLOSS.  I have to own up to my suckiness and get my lazy ass out of bed.  I WILL get out of bed and workout and shower before Fluffette wakes up……someday.  *dramatic deep sigh*

Wednesday’s post will include my new weight, measurements and pics in the goal outfit.  I’m hoping that I’ll also be able to say “I’ve woken up and worked out before 8am twice this week!!”  Stay tuned!


In random news, my new blog design is up!!  Hubby Jack from Hubby Jack’s Blog Attack , designed it for me and I absolutely love it!  I found Hubby Jack through his wife, Holly at Where we can live likeJack and Sally. I found Holly through Mama Laughlin .  And I found Mama Laughlin through a friend and Pinterest. 

Hubby Jack is by far my most favorite male blogger mainly because he’s the only male blogger I know.  He’s super funny and refers to himself as HJ which makes me giggle every time.  If you don’t know what HJ means, please check out the Urban Dictionary.  Actually, scratch that.  If you don’t know what an HJ is you are clearly super innocent and would certainly be scarred for life by what you would see there.  (if you’re an immature pervert, you could spend hours and hours on there.  It’s high-larious)  Furthermore, you are prolly way too innocent to be reading this blog…but I’m glad you’re here!

Please take a moment to check out the new blog design!  Fluffy in Frisco.  On the right hand side, you can now follow me on Pinterest, check up on my progress pics and easily access the recipes I’ve shared.  You can now also refer to The Dic if you ever have a question about what a word means that I use!  I hope to have all of these sections updated by the end of this week. 

Another feature that I’m super excited about is the ability to Pin a post.  This feature is sure to skyrocket my blog into superstar status.  Only then can they begin filming the “based on a true story” lifetime movie about all things Fluffy.  If you decide to ever Pin one of my posts, all I ask is that you write the following as the description:

“Fluffy has changed my life.  Not only is she full of wit and charm, but she’s also super pretty and super skinny.  And did I say super skinny in a fluffy sort of way?


In further random news, I’m half way to 100 followers!!  I’ve lined up two…count ‘em TWO giveaways for when I reach 100 site followers!!!  If you haven’t yet, get your act together and join my site….just kidding…..but not really. 

Pin It


  1. I'm so proud of you, Charla!! You're blog looks awesome and I know you look awesome!! Can't wait for Wednesday! And that running thing will click, I promise...YOU CAN DOOOOOO IT!!!

    PS. HJ <-----bahahahahaha. I know I'm 30 but that's funny.

    1. Well, I'm 30...ish and it makes me cry from laughing. Just because we grow up doesn't mean we have to be mature!

  2. Hubby Jack is the only male blogger I know to and he is HIlarious! I found you through him....see how this crazy blog world works! Nice blog design, love the colours! I'm getting a makeover from him too....he really gets around!

    1. He sure does get around like some sort of male bloggin whore!

  3. love this post! Now im being nosey. Are you from frisco like frisco TX?

  4. Oh my gosh you are killing me, you are hilarious!!!! I just read the blog post about feeding your husband cauliflower disguised as potatoes (see it all over instagram and pinterest) and I am cracking up!!! I am so glad I found your blog its hilarious!! If you DO live in Frisco, I live in Fort Worth!

    1. haha! glad you found me, hair flip! You are right around the corner! We just went to the gun show (true story) in Fort Worth a couple of weeks ago.

    2. Do you have an instagram I am completely obsessed with you now ahahha I love sounding creepy. I just read your "Just a girl" post and we have so much in common!!! I think I am a lot of those things, minus the 50 shades trilogy I couldnt get into because I just kept picturing K-Stew as the main character and it ruined everything for me I absolutely hate her. Also one of my fave workout songs is "Party in the USA" and the ringtone on my phone (and has been for like a year) is Mileys cover of Bob Dylan's "Youre gonna make me lonesome when you go" I have no idea if that is really the title. I too am convinced I can be the greatest hip hop dancer, my husband can tell you the hundreds of times I begged him to get me hip hop dance lessons, I think the song and video of Usher's "DJ got us falling in Love" is what really convinced me of this I have no idea why... Also, my husband and I are celebrating our 4 year anniversary tomorrow, well this weekend when he gets home, and we got married just 4 months after we met.... K I hope I have convinced you enough of our soulmatedness lol. Now Im off to finish my mission of reading every single blog post you have ever written because it has been cracking me up since yesterday!

      ps- my favorite thing in the world is when people get fat. i feel so mean and cruel but i LOVE IT!!!!

    3. Not creepy at all! I love having a validates me. haha. I'm on instagram but I never post anything...too lazy. I'm so glad to have found my blog bff!
